Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Parish Nurse

Jean Holt, RN

Mobile: (804) 336-7425

The main objective of a Parish Nurse (PN) is to promote the wellness of body, mind and soul of a faith-based community.  Each PN and each community may have their own style of meeting the needs of that particular community.

 Jean Holt has been volunteering in the role as Parish Nurse at Christ Church Parish for the last several years.  Even though now retired, Jean continues to keep her RN license current. She works with our Priest to coordinate the continuing care of our congregation.  This “work” is always shifting as to the current needs.  Home and hospital visits, which may include home communion, have been a large part of this work.  Coordinating meals, transportation for members to doctor’s visits/ treatments and to church services are other opportunities for the PN to meet our Parish family’s needs.

Bev Hart, RN

Home (804) 758-8026
Mobile (804) 306-4560


The Parish Nurse’s duties are Not to compete with other medical support, such as Home Health.  The closest hands on nursing done as a PN, is to take blood pressure readings.  At Christ Church, Jean and Bev Hart share this “job” usually the first Sunday of the month after the 8:00 and 10:30 services.

Jean doesn’t have regular office hours, but can be reached through the church office, during any service or event at church, or her own phone.  If she can’t be the one to assist in the immediate need, she will try to connect you with one of our many caring  church members to fill that need.