Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Website Committee Webmaster

The Website Committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining Christ Church Parish website and Facebook page.  Their responsibilities include:

  • Establishing an easily accessible website and Facebook page.
  • Creating sites that are attractive, interesting and informative to church members, visitors, Dicoese and prospective Rectors.
  • Keeping the website and Facebook pages up-to-date.
  • Posting schedules, events and worship services dates, times and locations.
  • Posting the church newsletter and other news articles related to Christ Church Parish.
  • Maintaining a listing of Christ Church ministries, committees and organizations including:
    • Purpose & responsibilities
    • Members
    • Meeting Schedules
  • Posting materials as directed by the Rector, Vestry and Search Committee.


Mike Floyd, Webmaster
Mobile (804) 869-9550


Jack Fackler
Home: (804) 758-3428


Homer Hartung
Home (804) 758-3989
Mobile (804) 815-5489