Elizabeth B. Sanders Fund Nominating Committee
Purpose & Responsibilities:
The purpose of the Fund shall be to provide for the education of the children under the age of twenty-one (21) years of Christ Church Parish, by using the income of the Fund to extend such children’s education, without limitation, for religious, elementary, secondary, undergraduate, special, technical, vocational, professional, or other educational purposes.
See the main drop down menu on the home page of this website for more about the Elizabeth B. Sanders Educational Scholarsip Fund and how to apply for a scholarship, including a link to the application form.
The Fund will not have members. The affairs of business of the Fund shall be managed by a Board of Directors, which is composed of all of the members of the Vestry. The Board of Directors shall meet at least annually at the regularly scheduled vestry meeting in May. Prior to the meeting, the Nominating Committee shall provide the Chairman with its recommendations for scholarship recipients, including the amount of the scholarship, the purpose of the scholarship, and a brief statement as to the reason for the scholarship.
At the request of the Nominating Committee, the Board Chairman (Senior Warden) may call such additional meetings as may be necessary for the award of scholarships. Said additional meetings shall be held at a regularly scheduled vestry meeting.
Nominating Committee:
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Ann Harris, Chair
Home: (804) 758-4090 Mobile: (804) 815-2069 |