Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Brotherhood Breakfast Meeting

Sunday, April 14, 2024
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Christ Church Parish - Parish Hall
Fellowship Hall 56 Christchurch Lane
Saluda, VA 23149
Driving Directions

Come....April 14th at 9:00 AM..., to hear Tony Brooks, Funeral Director, Faulkner Funeral Home, speak at the Brotherhood Breakfast and share his experiences, some humorous and some not so, about what can happen when you don’t plan and share “What Your Family Should Know.”   You are certain to come away with new ideas about how you can avoid being the victim of some truly incredible pitfalls.

Tony is a native of Middlesex and has been employed by Bristow-Faulkner for 40 years.  His degree in Mortuary Science is from John Tyler Community College; he did his two year internship at Bristow-Faulkner and has been there ever since.  With him will be Brion Seward who handles Pre-Need funeral planning. 



Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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