Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Remote Area Medical Mission (RAM)

Medical Mission to Wise Virginia

July 19th through July 22nd, 2018
6:00 AM

Remote Area Medical Mission
Wise County Fairgrounds 10101 Fairgrounds Road
Wise, VA 24293
Driving Directions

Wise County Virginia lies in the heart of the most economically distressed region of the United States. Remote Area Medical's (RAM's) yearly event in Wise sees thousands of local citizens who rely on the no-cost clinic for all of their health care needs.

This year John and Susan Hilliard will again travel to Wise, but this year they will be joined by six other parishioners from Christ Church Parish.  It is time to think about purchasing socks and underwear for the needy men, women, and children of Appalachia.  As a contribution to this weekend, new socks and underwear in sizes infant to extra large will be collected at Christ Church Parish.  These items should be left in the church library, in their original packaging, clearly marked “Remote Area Medical.”  Last year parishioners provided approximately $1,000 in goods for RAM to distribute.  

If you wish to contribute money please make the check to Christ Church Parish and note RAM in the memo space.  Also please keep the team and the wonderful folks of the Wise area in your thoughts and prayers.



Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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