Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

Stations of the Cross

Friday, March 30, 2018
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Christ Church Parish
26 Christchurch Lane 
Saluda, VA 23149
Driving Directions

This service begins immediately after the Good Friday Prayers.  Feel free to attend one or both services.  

If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross, also known as Way of Sorrows or Via Crucis, refers to a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers.  You are welcome to come and join us as we take this walk – stopping at each station for prayer and meditation. This can be a moving experience for individuals or families. Please plan to prayerfully participate in this very personal walk with Jesus. Come, just as you are.






Christ Church Parish (Episcopal)

56 Christchurch Lane
P.O. Box 476
Saluda, VA 23149
(804) 758-2006
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