Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Moments of Comfort

For those who do not know me, I am The Rev Peg Moncure, DeaconI was ordained to the Diaconate in the Diocese of Virginia on April 19, 2021, and have served in this lovely parish since that time.  

I would like to offer a small way in which we can be somewhat connected and share our thoughts on a regular basis when we are away from each other. I will post weekly on Facebook, (or almost weekly 😊)., a short meditation or song or scripture, etc. for us to share…. “Moments of Comfort.  Maybe knowing we are reading the same words will give us a sense of togetherness.  If you have a favorite you would like to share, please email it to me and include the source (we want to be legal 😊) and also your name so I can give you credit for contributing. My email address is:  peggy_moncure@live.com 

  Click on the Link below to go to the Christ Church Parish Facebook page. 

Peace, Peg